Inscrivez-vous Aide Etre propriétaire

Etre propriétaire

My horses

This chart gives you the list of all the horses you own.

The first column reminds you of the main characteristics of your horses (see the chapter about horses).

The "Trainer" column gives you the state of the trainings of your horses.

The "Jockey" column gives you the last performances when testing your horses.

The "Last race" column shows you the result of the last race run by each horse.

The "Next race" column enables you to enroll your horses in new races, to know when their races will take place to prepare them or to delete an entry when you're not interested in the race anymore.

If you entered data in the notepad of a horse, you can see its beginning under the line of this horse.


Choosing a race for a horse

This page enables you to choose the best race for the horse you want to make run.


Last races

This page displays the list of the last races your horses run without showing their results, so you can see the races with the viewer before knowing the results.


The races

This page shows you the list of all the races in which you can enroll a horse. By changing the parameter "State" in the filter, you can consult the list of the finished races.

Clicking on the button "Enter a race" at the right of each line, you can choose a horse to run the race.

The warning triangle under the button "Enter a race" indicates that the race is reserved to you.


Choosing a horse for a race

The page called "the races" enables you to choose the best horse of your stable according to the race you want to enter.


My contracts

This page permits you to change the trainer or the jockey of a horse.


After clicking on the "Choose" button you can :

- Tick the webmaster (your horse will be trained or ridden by the program, so you won't have anything to do anymore, but this is less efficient than leaving him with another player).

- Tick "Myself" if you want to become the trainer or the jockey of a horse you had entrusted to someone else.

- Tick "New trainer" to send an offer to another player (enter his username in front of "specify") in order he becomes the trainer or jockey of your horse. The current trainer or jockey will remain the same until the new one agrees.

Buttons enable you to replace a trainer or jockey with another in one go.


Replacing a trainer or a jockey

This page enables you to change the trainer of the jockey of all the horses having the selected trainer or jockey.



The calendar enables you to see the upcoming races not opened to entering yet.
You can see the next cups too by selecting "Cup" in the "Class" filter.


Create a horse

You are allowed to create 5 horses when you start playing.


Choose a name for your horse. Choose his age (if you want him to reproduce he must be 3 years old at least). Choose if you want a male or a female. Then choose his speciality (there are no real breeds on Sulkyland, only racing specialities : flat, hurdle or trot).

You can choose the coat colour using the arrows at the left and right sides of the photo. This colour have no influence on the horse's abilities. Later you can choose the picture you want to illustrate your horse's card, but the his colour during the race will be the colour you chose at his creation (or the colour he inherited from his parents).



The link enables you to download a file (a spreadsheet) containing the list of all your horses and their main characteristics.


Care taking fees

When starting the game you have right to 7 days of absence (holiday). You get one day of absence for 5 days you got connected to the site. You lose one day of absence for each day you didn't get connected to the site.

Every day, the program check if he has to withdraw care taking fees for each horse of your stable (food, training, box...).

If you logged in to the site less than 24 hours ago, or if your days of absence are exhausted, you have to pay the care taking fees.

If you are a subscriber, the horses included in your quota are exempted of care taking fees.

The care taking fees varies from 100 to 1,000 sulkies by horse exceeding your quota. If you have for example 15 horses without subscription, you will pay 100*5 = 500 sulkies by day of care taking fees. If you subscribed a formula of 100 horses and you have 150 horses you will pay 400*50 = 20,000 sulkies.

Excess Cost by horse
<=10 100
>10 and <=30 200
>30 and <=100 400
>100 and <=250 600
>250 and <=500 800
>500 1000
> 1000 number of horses



If after paying your care taking fees your portfolio becomes exhausted, the program offers you 5,000 sulkies but one of your horses is seized and put on reserved sale in exchange (or several horses if your balance is not positive yet). You can repurchase him (within 7 days after the seizure) as soon as you have 5,000 sulkies again in your portfolio.

Clans pay care taking fees for each horse of the clan. If the clan portfolio becomes exhausted, a horse is seized in exchange for 2,000 sulkies but the horse is not put on reserved sale.