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My trainings

You can train your horses and horses of other players who chose you as their trainer. In the same way you can entrust your horses or a part of them to another player in order he manages their training.

A horse who has no defined training is trained even so, he follows the "webmaster's training".

You can tick the boxes on the left column of your horses' list, then click on the link "Change the training of the selected horses" or "Training by age/storage" to assign the same training to a group of horses.

On Chorus:

The training consists in performing a ride with a horse every day. According to the ride you chose, the genetic characteristics  of your horse may improve more or less. Training has influence on the horse's biorhythms too.

By clicking on the training link of a horse, you get the page where you can choose the ride and consult the result of the last training.

Flat trains the speed.
Climb trains resistance and obedience.
Descent trains suppleness and obedience.
River trains suppleness and constitution.
Mud trains resistance and suppleness.
Jump trains obedience and constitution.

The pace permits to define a level of risk for the training accuracy. If you choose "slow", the training will give you always the same result. If you choose "normal" you take a risk or a chance, the training can be until 10% more or less successful than usually. If you choose "pushed", it can be until 20% more or less successful than usually. Choosing to take a risk can be interesting before a race where you have not many chances to win, because if you are lucky, your horse can progress faster and be better for this race. For example, suppose that you use a training that makes your horse get 1 point more in average, and that you choose to push it, your horse will be able to win until 1.2 point by day (or only 0.8 if you are not lucky).

Depending on his constitution, your horse can perform a longer course. The distance is calculated automatically by the program. Your job is to share this distance between the 4 parts of the training. For example if you can create a course of 2400m, you can select 600m by portion. If you have 1800m, you can select 400 by portion and 600 for the part that seems more important to you at this time of your horse's career (for example, flat, to make speed increase faster).

On the example above, we see that the current training is the succession of grounds like flat, jump, descent and a river.

We see that, by performing this ride, the horse wins on average 0.5 point of speed by day and0.3 point of resistance. As he performed this course 88 times, he won 43 points of speed and 23 points of resistance in total.

You only know the genetic value of your horse with an accuracy of 1 (if you see that a horse has a speed of 30, his real speed is between 30 and 30.99). So you can't know exactly the progression of your horse with a single daily training. You have to let this training several days to see a steady average progression and so to know the quality of the ride.

The training won't be performed immediately after you saved it, the stable-lad (actually the program) will do it once a day, usually between 0h and 8h.

If the horse had reached his maximum speed but the training of his speed was carried on, the total progression of his speed would remain the same, and so the average progression of his speed would decrease. So you have to take care not to train a genetic characteristic already at maximum, because you would not be using all the potential of training and because the statistics you would get for your training would be misleading.

To make it easier, you can use a training already defined. The method called Sp4 makes only speed increase strongly. The method called Sp2RO makes speed progress moderately and resistance and obedience slightly. The method called R2O2 makes resistance and obedience progress moderately.

You can assess other methods, during your research you may find another different one that make speed increase strongly, resistance increase moderately and suppleness improve slightly too. If you find another interesting technique, you can save it on the page "My methods" and then use it easily for the horses of your choice.

In order you can spot from the list of your horses ("trainer" - "my horses") when you need to change the length of the course, those who need to be changed appear in blue. If the daily training was not performed by the program yet, the link is in brackets. An asterisk (*) appears near the name of a technique when the distance applied is not the expected one.

On Almina and Bezir:

The training consists in performing a ride with a horse every day. According to the ride you chose, speed, resistance or suppleness may improve more or less. (Obedience progresses with tests, made by the jockey.)

You will arrive on the page where you choose the ride and consult the result of the last training by clicking on the training link of a horse.

On the example here above, we see that the current training is the succession of grounds like climb, flat, river and flat again.

We see that, by performing this ride, the horse wins on average 52 points of speed by day and 56 points of resistance. As he performed this course 87 times, he won 4500 points of speed and 4850 points of resistance in total.

You only know the genetic value of your horse with an accuracy of 50 (if you see that a horse has a speed of 3000, his real speed is between 3000 and 3049). So you can't know exactly the progression of your horse with a single daily training. You have to let this training several days to see a steady average progression and so to know the quality of the ride.

When you chose a training, click on "Save". The training won't be performed immediately, the stable-lad (actually the program) will do it once a day, usually between 0h and 8h.

A specific training has the same global effect on all the horses, the only difference is due to the horse's age (i.e. a training that daily improves the speed of a yearling of 100 will improve the speed of a 2 or 3 years old horse of 150, and only 50 for if he is 4 years old or more).

If a horse reaches his maximum speed but his training is not changed, his total progression will remain the same, while the average progression of his speed will decrease. So you have to take care not to train a genetic characteristic already at maximum, because you would not be using all the potential of training and because the statistics you would get for your training would be misleading.

To make it easier, you can use a training already defined. The method called Spe+++ only makes speed strongly progress. The method called Spe++Res+ makes speed progress moderately and resistance progress slightly. The method called Spe+Res+Sup+ makes the 3 characteristics improve slightly.

You can assess other methods, during your research you may find another different one that make speed increase strongly, resistance increase moderately and suppleness improve slightly too. If you find another interesting technique, you can save it on the page "My methods" and then use it easily for the horses of your choice.


Intensive training

An intensive training costs 20,000 sulkies for the owner of the horse.
You have to wait 30 days at least between 2 intensive trainings.

On Chorus:

This training will make your horse gain until 100 points on Almina or Bezir and 1 point on Chorus, on each genetic characteristic, within his maximums. It will give your horse a bonus for his biorhythms too.

Beware, it may happen that the horse gets hurt after such training, he may lose until 3 points of every current characteristics, but this won't have influence on the maximum values of these characteristics.


On Almina and Bezir:

This training will make your horse gain until 100 points on each genetic characteristic (Spe Res Sup Obe), within his maximums. It will change the biorhythm's curve of your horse too.

Beware, it may happen that the horse gets hurt after the training, he may lose until 300 points of suppleness and even of maximum suppleness. This won't have influence on his descendants' genetics.


The races

This page enables you to see the list of the races opened to enrolment and next to choose the horse you want to enroll in a race of your interest.


My methods

This page enables you to add, change or delete a method ready to be used. Then you can select this method in the drop-down list which is proposed to you when defining a horse's training.


My contracts

This page enables you to see the list of all the horses belonging to other players and that you are training. If you have a waiting request, you can accept or refuse it. You can cancel a current contract too.

You can use the boxes to tick on the left column, then the drop-down list above them, to change the status of a group of contracts.

If you are the trainer of a horse, you earn 11% of his earning.