First of all, my call for a players' get-together that I wanted to organize in June resulted in far too few people potentially interested, so I'm unfortunately dropping the idea. If some people want to organize it themselves, and it's in my region, they can invite me to come and join them, it would be a pleasure.
Next, a few modifications:
- I've added the Skrill payment system, which also has paysafecard, so it's once again possible to pay for your subscriptions with this type of code. This payment system also offers a large number of other payment methods (cash, bank transfer, ..., and some credit cards not accepted by paypal), so I'll let you discover if this opens up new possibilities for you.
- I've increased the number of kdo points offered to forum moderators (up to 1000 points per month per forum), so if you're interested in helping to organize competitions and this little extra boost might motivate you to take the plunge, don't hesitate to offer your services to competition-master.
- on chorus, "fun fun fun" races now also earn stud quotas.
As far as future improvements are concerned, I first thought of creating an entirely new site (called World of Horses), which would have enabled me to run horses like on Sulkyland, but also to run other types of competitions (cso, etc.). The idea turned out to be far too complex, and I decided to put the project on hold. Finally, I've now decided to abandon it altogether.
At the beginning of the year, I told you that I thought I'd be able to modernize the sulkyland technology "bit by bit", as initial tests had proved positive. Unfortunately, further tests have shown that this is impossible. A complete overhaul would be necessary to accommodate this new technology in the foundations of the game (the visible part of sulkyland), only in the "hidden" parts (the engine that calculates race results, for example, or the tool that allows me to administer sulkyland) would it be possible.
So I've decided to launch a completely new version of sulkyland (I'm calling it sulkyland 7), to freely integrate this new technology and others at the same time.Please note that this redesign will in no way modify the rules of the game, and will initially be aimed solely at integrating more modern technologies (which will later open up new possibilities), and allowing you to play with the same horses, the same races, etc., using this new engine.Or continue to play with the current version if you prefer (for the old-timers, it's a bit like the transition from sulkyland version 5 to version 6, where the 2 versions cohabited for a long time). Only if almost all of you adopt this new version can the old one be abandoned, allowing me to really think about integrating real novelties into the rules.For the time being, I can't give any deadline for the implementation of version 7.
And I'd like to take this opportunity to remind you of 3 things:
- don't buy a paysafecard code from a player who doesn't have a stable worth at least the equivalent of the amount of sulkies you're going to give him, because if that code is a fake, giving you his stable in compensation for his scam won't be enough.
- you are not allowed to enter horses from 2 of your accounts in the same public race.I'll tolerate it only if you do it to allow the race to start, but if you do it while another player is entered, it's a fault that can lead to a penalty.
- you don't have the right to forbid anyone to enter a public race (I'm talking about the "quota" races that some people want to reserve for themselves). I've added "fun" races to allow horses with a bad V to have a better chance of winning quotas, that's all I intend to do in that direction, so please deal with the "competition" and don't try to intimidate it.